started as a print magazine. It continues as a print magazine. But what would a zine called Nerd be without
a website? Of course, these days I see a lot of non-nerds working the web angle. How, you ask, do I differentiate between the nerdy and non-nerdy? A ten dollar question deserves a ten dollar answer.

This has nothing to do with fashion.
You can't spot a nerd by the cut of his trousers
or the thickness of his glasses. You've got to listen.
Are they talking about money, condos or getting some? Non-nerd topics. Are they frothing at the mouth
about some new record, a shop sign font or some
bit of cinematic minutia? Part of the tribe.

You see, nerds are obsessed. They are unrepentantly excited, brimming over with full-on gooberosity. Certain folks are almost always nerds: cartoonists, college radio DJs, scientists, list-makers. Others-junkies, frat boys/girls, athletes, dictators and poetry slammers-can never be nerds.

So, is it good to be a nerd? We think it is.
And from all the feedback we've gotten since starting
the zine, others agree. So check out our site, maybe order an issue. Then you can join us when we say (loud): we're nerds and we're proud.


ORDERING & contact info...

—Dan Strachota, Editor

tinydeaths at





web gal: Ryan Dunsmuir ryan at